OF APRIL 20, 2006



Acting Chairman Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 9:07AM.


Members of the BAHA present: George Martin, Bob Oberstar, Linda Oberstar, Carol; Pease, Dave Pease, Quentin Ruprecht, Helen Ruprecht and Lu Peet.


Minutes of the Last Meeting – Secretary Lu Peet had emailed the minutes to most of the members.  All other members were given a copy of the minutes to read. Motion (Helen Ruprecht / Carol Pease) to approve the minutes as presented. Call for discussion. Linda Oberstar wanted a clarification of the Petty Cash account. She was unclear how this money should be handled. There was discussion that Linda should keep all of her receipts for postage, phone calls, etc. and then write herself a check from the General Fund each month, instead of having a separate Petty Cash account. Linda will try this and see how it works out for her. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report- Linda Oberstar gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows:


Checkbook Balance as of 3/16/2006                          $                          10,084.33

Centennial Book Sales, Donations                          $                             790.00

Dave Thorson for Centennial Book                          $                         (6,000.00)

Checkbook Balance as of 4/20/2006                          $                           4,874.33



CD One for $10,000.00 matures on November 29, 2006, at 4.32%

CD Two for $10,000.00 matures on February 16, 2007 at 4.32%




Balance Carried from March                          $                                 5.36

Petty Cash Balance as of 4/20/2006                          $                                 5.36


Linda reported that Dave Thorson has been paid the $6,000.00 for his work on the book. He has returned the pictures, etc. that he had in his possession per his contract. He has also returned the unsold books that he had and has given us the money for the ones he had sold. Linda said that the bank account balance looks pretty bad because we had paid Dave Thorson. We still have $20,000.00 in the two CD’s.


Motion (Quentin Ruprecht / Lu Peet) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Budget for 2006-There was discussion on the budget for 2006. Each member was to have brought their thoughts on what the expenses and income might be for 2006 so that a budget could be developed.


Each income item was discussed. The book sales would most likely come in at about $1,000.00. We want to get rid of the misprinted books as soon as possible. We would sell them for $20.00. We will hopefully sell some more books this summer at the two flea market / yard sales that we will be doing. There was discussion on the yard sales. The Pease’s and Lu Peet will be the contact people for donations for these events. Most of the items donated will be stored at the Pease’s garage. There would be someone who would be able to pick up donations locally, if needed. We will put out an ad soon on this. We hope to make about $400.00 on the sales. This is problematic. The historical note cards were discussed. There will be a meeting on Wednesday April 26 at 3:00PM at the Ruprecht’s house to decide on the pictures that will be used (4 different historically significant pictures- not of people-black and white). Sets of 4 cards will be sold as a fund raiser at a price to be set at that meeting. We hope to have sales of about $100.00. There was discussion on the raffle. Quentin thought that the name “Big Bucks” was misleading and that a lot of people think it is related to hunting. There was discussion on changing the name of the event to the “BAHA Big Elk” raffle. No decision was made at the meeting today. Nori Newago is supposed to get the information in for our 501 ( c) (3) filing as soon as we turn in the 2006 budget. Then we can apply for the raffle application and the bingo license. Lu Peet will email Nori the budget right after the meeting this afternoon. As far as donations, we have received about $1,400.00 so far and expect another $300.00 for a total of $1,700.00. $1,400.00 of this was already ear-marked and sent off to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for the “elk” carbon dating. The CD’s and bank account interest would be about $500.00. The membership dues would bring in about $600.00. The total of the estimated income is $6,800.00.


Each expense item was discussed. Advertising would come to about $100.00. We need to advertise for the flea market events, the raffle and other fund raisers. Banners could be made up for under $50.00. There was discussion on checking with the Jordahl’s or Harry Watts to see what they might be able to come with for a reasonable cost for the banners. These would be used to promote the BAHA name at the flea markets or at other events. The cost of the note cards should be about $105.00. Fees for the Bingo and Raffle License and application would be a total of $50.00 for the two of them. Postage and other supplies would come to about $100.00 Linda thought. If we do some mass mailing item, then we would have to raise this amount, but as of now we are not planning any mailing. Miscellaneous expenses should be kept to under $100.00. The payment (already made to Dave Thorson) will be $6,000.00 per his contract with us. We plan to have reprints made of the Centennial Book. The minimum should be 500 copies. This would cost about $5,000.00. The cost of having the raffle tickets printed should be about $75.00. The expenses for the “elk” will be about $1,500.00 Quentin said. (This has been paid out to the UW-M already). A printing of new brochures would be about $100.00. The Calendar of Events yearly fee paid to the town is $50.00. The BCHA dues are about $75.00. Consultant fees paid to Nori Newago will amount to $1,000.00 (half of that has been paid to her already in 2006). Computer expenses and / or software expenses are expected to come to $250.00. The total expenses for 2006 would be $14,705.00. The following budget was then set:

























FEES (501( C) (3)

































































Motion (Bob Oberstar / Quentin Ruprecht) to approve the budget as developed. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


“Silver Beach Elk” Report- Quentin Ruprecht handed out his report to all of the members present. (See attached report). He gave a brief run down on what has been happening since December of 2005. There was a public radio broadcast and supposedly a news article on the elk in the (Spooner?) paper.  Quentin said that he has not seen the article yet. A Wisconsin State trinomial number for the site was applied for and produced. The official number of the site is: 47BA526. Donations were sent down to the UW-M for the purpose of carbon dating of elk. Quentin said that the carbon dating should be completed soon and the results should be back about the first part of May. Dr. Hudson and her students have been working on the inspection and cataloguing of the elk bones and also doing experiments on deer bones with stone tools to help verify marks found on the elk bones. The University web site was developed by Dr. Hudson and is now available at www.silverbeachelk.blogspot.com. Information about the elk can also be found on the Town of Barnes web site. There will be information on this site for membership information, donations, pictures and other related issues. This site is www.barnes-wi.com. Some of the summer activities being coordinated by Dr. Hudson are

*Sampling the lake’s bottom soil for historical information

* Investigating the elk’s teeth for vegetation

*Working the site for more bone evidence and other possible stone, wood, etc.


Quentin said that a date would be set soon for a meeting of the “elk” committee. Quentin said that Julie Johnson will be joining this committee.


There was discussion that more information should be made available to Nancy Hunter to put in her column in The County Journal. The Town web site also needs more pictures of the elk and also of the Centennial celebration.


Museum Site- Dave Pease spoke on this. Dave said that the Town Board had not been very receptive to our last proposal as far as putting the museum on the town grounds. Lu Peet said that the board was against us having the

10 acres to the left of the existing town garage area. They are not against our having some land somewhere else there as part of a town complex, however. The town has contacted Mosinee Paper Company about getting the acreage to the north of the existing town property, but has not had a reply back yet. The town is asking that the land be a). Donated; b). Given in exchange for other town-owned land; or c). Sell the land to the town (the least desirable option). There was discussion that the BAHA and the Town Board will have to work together, not against each other. Cooperation is very important for this project to succeed. Lu will ask the Town Chairman to set up a meeting of the Town Board with the BAHA Building Site Committee on May 4th, if possible. This would be held at 5:00PM at the Town Hall. If this is not feasible, another date will be set.


There was discussion on the Cable History Museum. Several of the BAHA members went to see it a short while back. This museum is a small museum and is primarily a teaching facility for natural history. We are going to have a different type of museum, more for historical displays and will need larger facilities.


Bob Oberstar felt that a time line should be established to help us keep on track of what we want to do and what we have already accomplished. Members felt that this was a good idea.


There was a discussion on the various sites. George Martin presented a drawing of a proposed site on 27 and N. He also showed a traffic count record from 2003 for the areas in Barnes to indicate where the greatest intensity is. There was discussion that we should look into all options and get going on something concrete. We have been wasting too much time and not accomplishing anything. Linda Oberstar and George Martin will get together to get letters out to the land owners of different properties in Barnes to see what the response would be. If the response is negative, then we can cross that parcel off of our list of potential sites. Linda will write the letters.


The next meeting of BAHA will be May 18, 2006 at 9:00AM at Downtown Barnes.


Motion (Carol Pease / Helen Ruprecht) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:36AM.


Respectfully submitted,


Lu Peet

Barnes Area Historical Association Secretary

Dated April 20, 2006



Barnes Area Historical Association


Elk Committee Report


April 20, 2006


Brief summary of occurred events since December 2005


  1. An article on the elk find was aired on Public Radio.
  2. An article was run in the Bloomer-Spooner?? News paper. I have not seen this article, but have been trying to get a copy of the News Paper.
  3. Personal donations for the purpose of Carbon 14 dating of the elk was coordinated and accomplished.
  4. Personal donations were sent down to Dr. Jean Hudson and the UW/Milwaukee Foundation for the C14 dating process.
  5. Inspection and cataloging of marks found on the elk bones was completed by Dr. Hudson and Class.
  6. Experiments were done on deer bones with a stone tool to help verify marks found on the elk bones.
  7. MRI test was done on a blemish on one bone to see if there were any stone fragments imbedded. Test was negative.
  8. A Wisconsin State trinomial number for the site was applied for and produced. The official number of the site is:     47BA526
  9. A University website developed by Dr. Hudson was developed to help deliver up-to-date information and developments of the elk find. The site’s address is: www.silverbeachelk.blogspot.com.
  10. Coordination of summer activities is being worked on by Dr. Hudson. Some of the information attempting to be done for this summer are:

·  Sampling the lake’s bottom soil for historical information.

·  Investigating the elk’s teeth for vegetation.

·  Working the site for more bone evidence and other possible stone, wood, etc.


  1. Information about the elk find is being put on the Town of Barnes website. This will include information, pictures and information on how to join BAHA and how to make tax deductible donations to BAHA. Important links may also be inserted.


Submitted April 20, 2006


Quentin Ruprecht

Elk Committee



