Town of Barnes
Town of Barnes, WI

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Home > Community > Aquatic Invasive Species > Lake Surveys/Treatment > Response to Survey - 2006

Response to Survey - 2006

Results from survey of the Property Owners on Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes

47 of 76 responded      62%


Answers to questions 2 – 4


Question #2 - Were you aware of the Eurasian Water Milfoil problem prior to receiving this mailing?

46 responders checked YES; one responder checked NO


Question # 3 - Are you in support of containment and in-lake management efforts?

44 responders checked YES; 1 responder checked NO; one responder gave no answer; one responder wrote “not sure.”


Question # 4  - Would you like to receive more specific information concerning the area lake conditions and containment and in-lake management options?

45 responders checked YES to question 4; 1 responder checked NO; 1 responder gave no answer.



o       Containment should have started in 2006

o       A barrier should be put up between the 2 lakes

o       Our property taxes should now be lowered

o       This problem was brought into our lakes from boats from the outside

o       5 respondents emphasized “NEED HELP NOW”

o       3 respondents are willing to help financially

o       Concerned about the form of containment and how it might affect humans using the lake

o       Pam’s email information should be put on the town’s web page

o       One respondent claims to have talked to a DNR person who said EWM was no big problem

o       Property owners should be notified when containment procedures occur

o       Property owner supports “chemical and physical control”

o       Respondent is concerned about the spread of EWM to other lakes in the area

o       At minimum the boat landing area should be treated

o       EWM needs to be controlled, property owners need to put aside any differences

o       6 respondents offered to volunteer help

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Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
[email protected]
3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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