Town of Barnes
Town of Barnes, WI

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Home > Bony Lake has a web site

Bony Lake has a web site

The Bony Lake property owners have a web site. It includes information on their DNR Lake Protection Grant Project (Bony Lake ~ Lakewide Restoration & Conservation Project), as well as more general lake/area information. The URL is

Joe Pletsch, a member of our Grant Oversight Committee, has developed the site and they welcome your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas for enhancing it.

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Bony Lake web site

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
[email protected]
3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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