NOVEMBER 17, 2009





Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM.


She called for a Roll Call to establish a quorum, asked for verification of the Public Notice from the Clerk-Treasurer and a motion to approve the November Agenda.  Roll call taken and all present.  The Clerk-Treasurer verified the agenda had been posted in three places as required.


Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the November agenda.  Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:





NOVEMBER 17, 2009





Call the Regular Board Meeting to order

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the November Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report           

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Department Head Reports:


                                Pay incentives for Road and Property Foreman        

                                Approve new Hire for part-time snow plow driver

                                Approve new Hire for fill in transfer site attendant  


                Fire and Ambulance Department

                                Adopt Ordinance establishing Fire Protection charges

                                Approve costs for CTH A water tank and amend budget for $5,134.76

                                Discussion on new appointments per ordinance for Fire and Ambulance                                         Department Administration                   


Committee Reports

                Eurasian Water Milfoil      

                                Approve new committee members Glenda Mattila and Rick Mattila as “tag                                     team” members

                Town Roads and Right-of-Way                      

                Town Hall Maintenance

Adopt 2010 Budget

Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda              

Citizen’s Request for Action: 

Land Use Planning Commission   


                1)            Special Use permit request by the State of WisconsinDNR to construct a                                    40’x60’ storage bldg at 52820 State Highway 27 that is zoned F-2.

Operator Licenses:  1 year new license for Nathan Runion


Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer 

Dated this12th day of November, 2009



Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the minutes of the last Regular Town Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes.  Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report           



General Fund




Checking Balance from last meeting











Check #'s 24273-24381





October Direct tax payments ck #s 346-349




Service Charge October





Interest Earned October




















Money Market











Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting



Interest earned October

YTD Interest $3,998.85




Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds



Highway Dept. Sinking Fund





BES Sinking Fund






Park Savings

deposit water can $167.34



Ski Trail Savings






Town Hall Maint & Repair  Fund





ACT 102 Fund

Ck # 1127 $3296.00




Total all Money Market Funds














Hayward Community Credit Union

















9 Month CD






9 Month CD






6 Month CD






9 month CD









YTD Interest $6,050.57



Total Hayward Community Credit Union

























Motion ( Meinke/McGee) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Peet asked if everyone had seen the vouchers.


Motion (McGee/Porter) to approve the voucher’s as presented.  Motion carried.




Clerk Correspondence

Brustad read a part of a letter received from the Governmental Accountability Board regarding a grant request she had recently submitted.  The grant was not approved because of insufficient information received. She did say two handicap accessible signs were received as part of the Type A grant.

4 Notices to Cut were received: Wausau Paper Company property in Section 35, T 45N, Steve Bowe Property in Section 28, T 45, Tom Larson Property Section 24, T 45, and Gene Ratzel property in Section 24, T 45.

Brustad read a letter from Nathan Ward of Verizon Wireless, who was notifying the town of their intention to put a cell tower up in the Town of Barnes.  They hope to make application in December, and the tower will be constructed somewhere south of South Shore Road off highway 27.

A Pictometry training session will be held on December 2nd ay Bayfield County from 1:00 -4:00PM. This project has produced new high resolution aerial imagery for the entire county.  The unlimited seat license with this software will let everyone within the county click on a map or enter an address to instantly see the area of interest from up to 12 different angles. 


Department Head Reports:


Northwoods Paving finally paved the apron approach to the Locks Bridge.

We have been servicing and doing maintenance on the snowplow vehicles, and also have the snow removal equipment ready to go.

The Quonset hut has been filled with sand and salt for the season. As in the past, the door will be left open all winter for private use.

Dave has been blowing leaves and debris off many of the Town roads in the hardwoods areas.

The Town docks have all been pulled from their lakes and the brace poles for the two channels were installed today. 

The Birch Lake Rd request for service issue has been dealt with by installing 25 mph advisory signs under the 90 degree curve sign, and 35 mph advisory signs under the two multi-curve signs. When received, Dangerous intersection signs will be placed fore and aft of the Moen-Walter, Birch Lake Rd intersection, and also at the Moen-Cantwell, Birch Lake Rd intersection.

The Peninsula Rd request for service issue has been dealt with by replacing the small pedestrian sign with a larger one and also installing a 25 mph advisory sign underneath it.


                                Pay incentives for Road and Property Foreman

Chair Lu Peet said this was brought up in closed session to compensate Jerry Witt additional monies when he attends the monthly board meetings.  He originally asked to be paid hourly as he had been working more hours than a normal 40 hour week.  The board had discussed having additional help for administrative duties but Jerry felt it was easier to do the work himself rather than tell someone how to do it. 

Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve payment of a per diem for meetings for the Road and Property foreman.  Discussion followed.  Members felt other employees might want to be paid then also.  Jerry Witt said he thought things were getting better for him, so he wouldn’t be working so much.  He wanted to wait and see if things continued to get better before the Board would do this.  Webb called for the question.  A roll call vote was taken with all responding no to the motion.  Motion failed. 


                                Approve new Hire for part-time snow plow driver

The new hire is Zachary Zepczyk, and has had his physical and drug and alcohol testing.  All results were negative for drug and alcohol. 


Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve Zachary Zepczyk as a new hire for a snow plow driver.  Roll call vote taken and all responded yes.  Motion carried.


                                Approve new Hire for fill in transfer site attendant


Motion (McGee/Meinke) to hire Bud Pease as a temporary fill-in transfer site attendant.  This position will be if Harry can’t work for Tom.  Roll call vote taken and all responded yes.  Motion carried.



There was a burial for Mary Foss on November 12th.  No other activity.


                Fire and Ambulance Department

There was 6 ambulance runs, 2 to St Mary’s, 2 Gold Cross intercepts, 1 to Hayward and 1 stand-by for the fire department.  All EMT’s have completed their refresher courses and the CPR class.  I also chose to raise the loaded mile transport rate from $10.00 to $12.50 as this will be more in line with the departments around us.

The fire department has had 1 run, a fuel spill on CTH N.  I have received the bill for the water tank from Drummond Fire.  The board approved paying ˝  of the total cost at the March 09 meeting. 

One of our firefighters who was also on the Highland Fire Department was kicked off their department.  I am looking into purchasing her gear from Highland as she is so small in size we would not have anything to fit her, nor would Highland probably have any use for her gear in the future as well.  The fire season is here so we are geared up for that as well as the hunting season.  We will be prepared for any lost hunters.



                                Adopt Ordinance establishing Fire Protection charges

Brustad said the ordinance was supposed to be reviewed by the Fire Chief prior to the meeting and so it should not be adopted this evening but only reviewed for changes or errors.  Tom Renz said there was one change in section 4, other than that the rest looked ok.  He will get with her this next week or so to add the charges that will be in Chapter 5, then both can be on the December agenda for approval. 


                                Approve costs for CTH A water tank and amend budget for $5,134.76


Motion ( McGee/Meinke) to approve paying ˝ the costs of the water tank placement on CTH A and amend the budget for the same.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.  Motion carried.


                                Discussion on new appointments per ordinance for Fire and Ambulance

                                Department Administration            

Renz said this was addressed in the SOG’s that were approved a year or so ago.  Webb thought that it had been changed also.  Brustad said she will check on that for the next meeting.

Renz also wanted to negotiate with the Town of Highland additional charges for intercepts that were billed to the town.  He said the taxpayers for the Town of Barnes shouldn’t have to pay for something that happens in Highland.  The Board gave him the approval to go ahead and do that and come back to the Board at the next meeting.



4 ) Alarms : from sheriff............( 5 ) Animal complaints : Vicinity of red oak drive and little island lake..(2 ) assist motorist : Hwy 27 @ ounce river........( 1 ) attempt to locate : notify resident of family emergency............ ( 7 ) Property checks : of seasonal residents...........( 1 ) Deer hit : Hwy A near Barnes road ......( 1 ) Suspect vehicle : hunter parked on private property.........( 4 ) Firearm complaints : Duck hunters to close to neighbors house / Target shooters on their own land upsetting non-hunting neighbors...........( 1 ) U.F.O. complaint : hours fuel.........43 gallons........Have a nice Thanksgiving everyone !!.


Committee Reports

                Eurasian Water Milfoil

The next meeting will be in March   

                                Approve new committee members Glenda Mattila and Rick Mattila as “tag team”                                         members


Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the new committee members Glenda Mattila and Rick Mattila as Eurasian Water Milfoil members.  If Glenda cannot attend a meeting, her husband Rick will take over.  Motion carried.


                Town Roads and Right-of-Way

Greg Martin said the committee had received no new requests so hadn’t met.


                Town Hall Maintenance

Greg Martin spoke for the committee chair, Mike Trembley, who wasn’t in attendance.  They are working on a detailed analysis and once that is done they will present it to the Board.  They are looking for a new member, one who can be the secretary for the committee.  If anyone is interested please contact the Town Clerk-Treasurer. 


Adopt 2010 Budget


Motion (Webb/Meinke) to adopt the 2010 budget as presented.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.  Motion carried.








Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda

Larry Hanson who lives on Mulligan Creek Road wanted to thank Jerry and Dave for the great work they’ve done on Mulligan Creek Road.  Jerry said someone had cleared the right-of way and brushed part of the road and he wanted to thank that person. 

Jerry also wanted to ask if the Board could put a letter together about what Douglas County is going to do with CTH Y.  The road is in horrible condition, his wife blew a tire last week when she hit a rut.  Lu Peet said when she was at the WTA convention she sat next to one of the Douglas County supervisors and asked him when the road was going to be redone.  He told her they had no money in the budget for any projects.  Lu said she would do a letter up and have the Board approve it at the next meeting. 


Citizen’s Request for Action:  

There were none presented.


Land Use Planning Commission   

Dave Pease said the Commission voted to recommend approval of the Special Use permit request by the DNR as it is completely in harmony with that section of CTH N.  Webb asked if that area could be entirely rezoned to comply with the Land Use Plan.  Dave Pease will contact zoning to see what has to be done to do so.




                1)            Special Use permit request by the State of WisconsinDNR to construct a                                    40’x60’ storage bldg at 52820 State Highway 27 zoned F- 2


Motion ( Meinke/Porter) to approve the Special Use permit request by the State of WisconsinDNR to construct a 40’x60’ storage bldg at 52820 State Highway 27 zoned F- 2.  Motion carried.


Operator Licenses:  1 year new license for Nathan Runion

Runion had paid the required fee of $20.00, and background check revealed nothing related to Beverage Serving.  She is still waiting for him to present a beverage server certificate, but will make sure that is done before the license is issued. 


Motion (McGee/Porter) to approve the license request by Nathan Runions pending receipt of a beverage server certificate.  Motion carried.


Issues Timeline Update

Town owned land – The Tomahawk are will be cut now in the spring. 80% of the cutable area will only have 40% of it cut., mainly to get rid of the dead and diseased trees.  Meinke spoke of another area that will be looked at up near Kelly lake. 

 Town Hall Maintenance – Work in progress

Roads – No new requests

Zoning – Brustad will check with Furtak on Coders to see if they have applied for a permit. On Anclams she will check with Furtak if the permit was pulled as it hasn’t been used for the two years.

There will be 2 to look at in December, Schreuers and Rauwolf


Motion( Webb/Porter) to adjourn the regular town board meeting of November 17, 2009.  Motion carried.   The meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM.



Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 20th day of November, 2009