OCTOBER 20, 2009



Chair Lu Peet called the Regular Town Board meeting to order at 6:02PM.  Peet read the statute below and asked for a motion to go into closed session per the noticed statute.


Closed Session: The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c)  “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The board will reconvene to the regular session immediately after the closed session.


Motion (Webb/Porter) to go into closed session per the above statute.  Roll call vote taken and all responded yes.  Motion carried. The Board convened to the closed session at 6:05PM.


Motion (Webb/Meinke) to return to the open session.  Motion carried at 6:25PM


Motion (Webb/Porter) to amend the agenda from now on to move up the department head and committee reports to below the Clerk’s correspondence.  Motion carried.


Chairperson Lu Peet called the regular session back to order at 6:30PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


A roll call to establish a quorum was done.  All board members were present. Peet asked the Clerk-Treasurer for verbal verification of posting the Public Notice.  Brustad replied the meeting notice was posted as required in three places. A motion to approve the October Agenda was asked.


Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the October Agenda, to approve the minutes of the last regular Town Board meeting and motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes.  Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:




OCTOBER 20, 2009 AT 6:00PM


Call the Regular Town Board Meeting to Order.

Closed Session: The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c)  “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The board will reconvene to the regular session immediately after the closed session.

Call the Regular Session back to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the October Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report           

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                Request to donate old TV in town hall to Drummond Community Center

Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda              

Citizen’s Request for Action: 

                1)            Request by Doug Simensen for fill in of hole caused by erosion on Call O                                         Wild Road and driveway at 5200 Call O Wild Road

Land Use Planning Commission   


1)                   Class A Special Use Request by Doug Brierly for a short-term seasonal rental on their home at 3035 South Shore Road in Barnes

2)                   Conditional Use Application by Robert Rucker to exceed shoreland height limit with a structure of 38 feet at 2061 Lake Road in Barnes

3)                   Petition for zoning district map amendment by James Akins for uniform zoning of R-1 on his property at 3960 Felix Rd in Barnes

4)                   Class A Special Use request by Larry & Mary Bielke for a shoreland grading permit to address erosion problems on their property at 55425 Lynx Ct in Barnes

Department Head Reports:



                Fire and Ambulance Department                  


Committee Reports

                Eurasian Water Milfoil      

                                Discussion of funds requested of Gordon by the Eurasian Water Milfoil                                            Committee

                Town Roads and Right-of-Way

                                Discussion on Policy for handling Citizen’s request for road issues  

                                Discussion and possible determination of Jerry’s findings on speed limits                                      for Birch Lake Road and Peninsula Road          

                Town Hall Maintenance

Report from Chair on WTA convention

Discussion on Budget for 2010

Action to expunge a letter from an employee’s file

Discussion on charging for fire calls (tabled from last meeting)

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer 

Dated this 19th day of October, 2009



Treasurer’s Report




General Fund




Checking Balance from last meeting











Transfer from MM Acct






Check #'s 24183-24272





September Direct tax payments ck #s 343-345




Service Charge September





Interest Earned September




















Money Market











Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting



Transfer to General Fund





Interest earned September

YTD Interest $3,915.94




Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds



Highway Dept. Sinking Fund





BES Sinking Fund






Park Savings

deposit water can $235.95



Ski Trail Savings






Town Hall Maint & Repair  Fund





ACT 102 Fund

Deposit Wisc. $3,904.29



Total all Money Market Funds














Hayward Community Credit Union

















9 Month CD






9 Month CD






6 Month CD






9 month CD









YTD Interest $5,263.41



Total Hayward Community Credit Union

























Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval


Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the vouchers as presented.  Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

Brustad read a notice from the Census on upcoming testing for census workers in the area.  The closest is in Cable at the Community Center, on 10-21 at 6:30PM, 10-26 from 10:00 AM1:00PM, and 10-28 at 6:30PM.

Bayfield County Board of Supervisors approved the Overlay amendment at their last meeting on 9-29.

Brustad read a letter received from Sue Crichton thanking the Barnes Ambulance service for their professionalism, their kindness and good sense of humor when she was stung by a wasp and required their services.

1 Notice to Cut was received on John Amend’s property, Section 27, T 45N.

Brustad read the final estimate of the 2009 population, which is now 713.

Brustad read a letter inviting everyone to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to be held on October 27th at 4:00PM in the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center.


                Request to donate old TV in town hall to Drummond Community Center

Brustad was asked by the WITC coordinator if the town would consider donating the old TV in the hall to the Drummond Community Center.  The TV that  WITC brought for our use has been donated to us. 


Motion ( McGee/Meinke) to donate the old TV in the hall to the Drummond Community Center.  Motion carried.


Department Head Reports:


Since the last meeting, Right of Ways on Lower, 43, and a portion of Moore Road north of Island Lake were brushed.

The first two miles of the Barnes Road received some shouldering work to make it safer to travel on, especially with all the logging truck traffic it has been seeing.

We reconstructed and graveled a portion of Birch Tree Trail in Potowatomi to alleviate the mud problem in wet conditions.

The Town Park Bathrooms are winterized for the season and we will be pulling docks out and installing brace poles in the waterway channels at the first sign of ice in our lakes.

Working in conjunction with the Town of Drummond and Bayfield County, we helped with the installation of the new water pick-up site located just north of the intersection of CTY A and CTY N.



Bud Pease reported a burial for Arline Roehr on October 10th and Betty Kleinrath on October 13th.


                Fire and Ambulance Department  

This is a two month report as I was in the Hospital when my last one was due.  Since the last Town board meeting, there have been 26 calls


9 transported to Hayward hospital

1 transported to Hayward that coded en-route, CPR was started and patient was pronounced 

   deceased at Hospital  

4 Gold Cross intercepts

3 no transports

1 Life flight

2 in Town of Highland 1 Gold Cross intercept and one CPR Deceased

1 Transport to St. Mary’s    

1 Medical call on Idlewild Lake Road that Great Divide was called for Mutual Aid as our

    ambulance was already transporting to Hayward on another call    

4 Respond with the Fire Department


The protocol for the EKG has been approved by the State and we are now waiting for Zoll on the Bluetooth installation and we will be ready to go.  Everyone has been trained.  Everyone at this time is completing their refresher course.  We presently have three EMT students going through the EMT Course and will be completing the course shortly. 



There have been 6 calls he Fire Department has responded to.

2 motorcycle vs deer 1 on HWY 27 and one on CTH A

2 False alarms

1 Gas Spill

1 Power line down

The Water tank is installed, finished and full of water on CTH A.  This was a great partnership and cooperative effort by 2 fire departments and two agencies.  If anyone has any questions in regards to the tank please call me.  I know the one asked the most is why is it so far out of the ground.  It actually isn’t that far above ground.  It is somewhat because it will allow us to draw water with out having to prime a whole lot of water.  Second is there is a lot of dirt on top to protect it from the cold. 



( 2 ) Alarms : form sheriff...........( 4 ) firearm complaints : property owners target shooting / hunting ...........( 1 ) Trespass complaint : hunter crossing private property ...........( 1 ) Disorderly conduct : Intoxicated male removed from local bar : Sheriff contacted..........( 2 ) ATV complaints : George Lake road .........( 2 ) Animal complaints : dogs running at large : issued warning to owner's............( 2 ) Check welfare : Periodic check on ill resident living alone...........( 1 ) assist boater on middle : engine problems : towed to shore.........Total miles : 520........total fuel : 28 gal.......... total hours : 57.........Detailed report on file ...


Committee Reports

                Eurasian Water Milfoil      

Ingemar Ekstrom reported on finalizing the records for the year and all were turned in to the office to be sent for the grant request.  Two members were lost this past year, Jim Joswick and Patty Joswick.  A new member, Linda Mattila was recruited.  The three winners of the drawing were Bob Ambrose, Kathy White and Buck Carlstrom.  Each will receive a gift certificate to a local restaurant. 


                                Discussion of funds requested of Gordon by the Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee

A few members of the Property Owners Association had asked the committee if Gordon paid their fare share for monitoring of the Lower Lake landing.  A letter on behalf of the committee members was sent to the Chairman of Gordon requesting $1700.00 for their share.  Gordon has declined the request.  Highland has been more receptive, they donated $1,000.00 in 2005.


                Town Roads and Right-of-Way

No meeting was held.

                                Discussion on Policy for handling Citizen’s request for road issues  

The policy created by the Town Roads committee was given to the Board members at a previous meeting.  Supervisor Webb had added content to the policy which she supplied to the Board members.  It clarified the policy for all. 

Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the proposed policy submitted by Chris Webb with amended wording and a total of 7 steps.  Motion carried.   Brustad will type the Policy up with a few changes.


                                Discussion and possible determination of Jerry’s findings on speed limits for Birch Lake Road and Peninsula Road

Motion (McGee/Porter) to follow Jerry’s recommendations for Peninsula Road to replace the existing pedestrian crossing sign with a large 30”x30” one and install yellow advisory 25MPH speed limit sign under the new pedestrian sign.  Motion carried.


Motion(Webb/McGee) to follow Jerry Witt’s recommendations for Birch Lake Road to install 4 intersection and 2 yellow advisory signs below the intersection signs.  Motion carried.


                Town Hall Maintenance

No meeting was held.


Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda

Greg Martin speaking on behalf of the Conservation Club, requested the Board to allow the club to upgrade their electrical service to a 60AMP service.  They will   have a licensed electrician do the work and the club will pay for the work.  This will be put on the next agenda for approval, and will put on the next special town board meeting if there is another one before the regular meeting in November.


Citizen’s Request for Action:  


1)                   Request by Doug Simensen for fill in of hole caused by erosion on Call O Wild Road and driveway at 5200 Call O Wild Road

Mr. Simensen was not present but the Board was told the town crew had already taken care of the problem.


Land Use Planning Commission   

Dave Pease said the Plan Commission met the previous Thursday and addressed the 4 items on the agenda for this evening.  For the Brierly request, the commission recommends approval as it is a routine request and meets all requirements.   For the Conditional Use application by Robert Rucker, the request does not fall unto anything under the Plan Commission, however they recommend approval because of the mitigation plan in place and the county recommends approval also.  The zoning change for the James Akins property was recommended to be approved because it would make for uniformity of the land use, and it would be more convenient for him to have all his property zoned R-1.   The Bielke Special Use request was recommended for approval to correct erosion problems with a mitigation plan that was put in place.



1)       Class A Special Use Request by Doug Brierly for a short-term seasonal rental on their home at 3035 South Shore Road in Barnes


Motion( Porter/Meinke) to approve the Special Use request by Douglas Brierly.  Motion carried.


2)       Conditional Use Application by Robert Rucker to exceed shoreland height limit with a structure of 38 feet at 2061 Lake Road in Barnes


Motion ( Webb/Meinke) to approve the Conditional Use application by Rucker.  Motion carried.


3)       Petition for zoning district map amendment by James Akins for uniform zoning of R-1 on his property at 3960 Felix Rd in Barnes


Motion (McGee/Porter) to approve the district map amendment by James Akins for uniform zoning of R-1 on his property at 3960 Felix Road.  Motion carried.


4)       Class A Special Use request by Larry & Mary Bielke for a shoreland grading permit to address erosion problems on their property at 55425 Lynx Ct in Barnes


Motion ( Webb/Meinke) to approve the shoreland grading permit request by Larry and Mary Bielke on their property at 55425 Lynx Ct in Barnes.  Motion carried.


Report from Chair on WTA convention

Lu Peet reported on information received from the Wisconsin Towns Association convention she attended the prior week.  There were a lot of important items being addressed at the state level.  A change is joint and severability liability  has been proposed where a municipality could become liable for 100% of a liability claim, but that was not approved so it is the same as it is now, that we can only be sued for the percentage of fault.  As of the first of the year we will have to pay prevailing wage on public projects over 25,000.00 unless the work is done by town employees.

Levy limits were set for the next two years at 3%.  General transportation aids will be $2055.00/mile for 2010, and will increase to $2117/mile for 2011.  It was thought these would go down, but did not yet.   A public bidding requirement was passed where projects over 25,000.00 must be bid out.  This does not apply to projects where town employees would be doing the work.  A solid waste tipping fee has been imposed at $13.00/ton supposedly to keep our neighboring states from hauling their waste to Wisconsin, since our fees have been much lower than theirs in the past. 

The rural transportation authorities could impose a half cent sale tax on their fees.  So far they haven’t done that but could increase fees considerably.

Shared revenue cuts will be from 3% to a maximum of 15%.  Communities with a large amount of waterfront parcels will be the hardest hit.

The Clean Sweep program was restored, but amounts to fund the project are way down.

There is a proposal out there to eliminate the spring elections. The WTA strongly opposes this but it could pass. 


Discussion on Budget for 2010

Peet wanted to know if we could reduce the levy to show a negative increase of 3% instead of 3% increase since last year.  That would amount to around $30,000.00, which could be taken from the cash reserves.   Webb had wanted to know where the excess cash had been coming from the last few years.  There were additional revenues the last few years for interest earnings, and a few grants received that were not budgeted for.  Also the highway expenses had been under the last few years, mainly in the payroll area.  Also discussed was possibly paying an extra payment on the fire truck, and taking those funds out of cash reserves also.  Brustad will redo those figures and another meeting will be scheduled for the 26th of October.  There are still a few things that will need to be addressed in closed session which could change the budget.  Other items on that agenda will include the policy for vacation in the first year, and the Conservation Club’s request for updating their electrical service at their garage. 


Action to expunge a letter from an employee’s file

This item was discussed at a previous meeting in closed session.


Motion ( McGee/Webb ) to expunge a letter from an employee’s personnel file.  Motion carried.


Discussion on charging for fire calls (tabled from last meeting)

Brustad will check to see if Tom will be able to come to the next meeting and this will be tabled until then.


Issues Timeline Update

Town owned land – Cobb is working on the project, it will be chipped next year.

Town Hall Maintenance – work in progress

Roads – Jerry’s recommendations were approved for Birch Lake and Peninsula Road

Zoning- Brustad to check with Furtak on the Anclam home based business


Motion (Meinke/Porter) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of October 20, 2009.  Motion carried.   The meeting was adjourned at 8:35PM.




Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,


dated this 4th day of November, 2009