OF MAY 24, 2005


Chairman Dick Collyard called the meeting to order at 5:06PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said. Chairman Collyard read the Agenda for the Meeting as follows:

1)                  Barnes Community Clean-up – John Kudlas

2)                  Assessor Updates

3)                  Maintenance Road Crew Worker

4)                  Website Test run with Gene Miller

Closed Session: The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85 (b) and (c) for the purpose of discipline, considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation of data of any employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. The Board will then reconvene to the regular session.


Barnes Community Clean-up – John Kudlas spoke on the 1st Clean-up day planned for June 18th. He was to contact as many of the community groups as he could think of to see if they would be involved and what sections of road each would do.  Claudia Dragonowski has offered to donate food for the event.  Kudlas asked the Board to approve the ad he drew up for the paper and have the Clerk put it in the Northwoods Shopper for two weeks. Motion(Webb/Chermack) to approve putting the ad in the newspaper charging it to the Centennial Committee budget. Motion carried.


Assessor Updates-Chris Webb said that Grandview has a new Assessor now, she would try to find out who the new person was. She would also check on Cable’s Assessor.  The Clerk talked with the Wascott Clerk, their Assessor is her husband and works there and Superior full time. The Board asked the Clerk to prepare a letter to Hoffman which would be ready for the June Regular Board Meeting for them to sign which would notify him of the Board’s wishes to not extend their contract with him for 2006. She would also prepare ads for the Wisconsin Towns Association paper but would not put them in until after Hoffman was notified.


Maintenance Road Crew Worker- The Clerk was asked to put an ad in the Northwoods Shopper for a part-time temporary road crew worker.  The worker would be working approximately 20 hours per week for $10.00 per hour.  It was strongly suggested that this worker was to have a CDL License so he or she would be able to help the Highway Department person with his daily duties also. Deadline for applications would be June 10th so that a selection could be made as soon as possible.


Website Test Run with Gene Miller- Gene showed the Board members the current website and then showed what he had made up for a test site for the Town of Barnes.  He mentioned the quickness the site came up compared to the current site and also showed everyone the ease with which his site could be changed if needed.  We would need to contact CCS to have the domain transferred and also make sure the graphics belonged to the Town that were on the site. Webb would also check with Cheqtel to see if the transfer could be done through them. MotionWebb/Porter to approve the cost of $750.00 for Web on the Fly to set up a new Website and transfer of the domain to them. Roll call vote Chermack-yes, Webb-yes, Porter-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


Motion(Webb/Chermack) to adjourn the open session and go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(b) and (c) for the purposes of discipline, considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation of data of any employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried. The Open session was adjourned at 6:45PM.


Minutes of the Closed Session of May 24, 2005

Chairman Collyard called the closed session to order at 6:48PM. Only the issues dealing with the Statute noted were discussed. There were no decisions made during the closed session. Motion(Webb/Porter) to adjourn the closed session and return to open session. Motion carried. The closed session was adjourned at 7:20PM.


Minutes of the Reconvened Open Session of May 24, 2005

Chairman Collyard called the reconvened open session to order at 7:24PM. Motion(Chermack/Porter)to compensate the Clerk-Treasurer $3,000.00 on November 1st of each year she completes the Municipal Clerk’s Institute of studies in addition to any other increase in compensation for cost of living or normal merit increase for the three years it takes to complete the Municipal Clerk Studies to become a Certified Municipal Clerk. Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, Webb-yes, Chermack-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.  Clerk was to set up a Special Board Meeting for June 2nd at 5:00PM to review the applications for the Town Road and Maintenance Foreman position.

Motion(Meinke/Chermack) to adjourn the Special Board Meeting of May24, 2005. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:37PM.


Respecfully submitted,



Elaine J. Brustad,

Barnes Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 1st day of June, 2005