OF OCTOBER 5, 2005




Members of the Comprehensive Land Use Committee present: Ron Pearson, Lee Wiesner, Leslie Hall, Duke Marten, Dixie Chermack, Donna Porter and Marcia Wellnitz (joined at 7:35PM).

Absent: Dave Scharlau and Don Zigman.

Members of the Land Use Elements present: Carol LeBreck, Earl Gregoire and Gene Ratzel.

Absent: Dave Pederson and Sharon Moen.

Also present: Tim Kane, UW-Extension Agent Bayfield County


The minutes of the September meeting were approved as read.


Tim Kane gave an overview and explanation of the process of public hearings. He suggested having a meeting to inform the public on what the Comprehensive Land Use Committee has proposed for the future use of Town of Barnes lands. The map as drawn up by the committee would be explained and the rationale for the decisions would be presented. The committee would then take the comments and suggestions from this public meeting and revise the mapping if necessary and then have a second meeting with the public. Before this second meeting, the map would be available on-line at the Town of Barnes web site, Bayfield County web site and Cedar Corporation’s web site.


Kane said that the property owners must agree to zoning changes and “no taking of land” [as it may be years..............] before zoning matches up with the proposed land use map.


Motion by Lee Wiesner and seconded by Leslie Hall to change Sec. 34 T45 R9W from Commercial to Residential (Red to Yellow on map). Motion passed.


Motion by Dixie Chermack and seconded by Leslie hall to eliminate Commercial (Red on map) on Sec. 35 T45 R9W. 5-Yes and 3-No. Motion passed.


Motion by Dave Pease and seconded by Duke Marten to have all Commercial Land in harmony as discussed. Motion passed.


Motion by Ron Pearson and seconded by Dixie Chermack to have all Agriculture Land in harmony as discussed. Motion passed.


Motion by Dixie Chermack and seconded by Donna Porter to change Sec. 20 T45 R9W from Municipal / Institutional to Parks / Recreation (Dark Blue to Light Blue on map). Motion passed.


Motion by Ron Pearson and seconded by Duke Marten to change Sec. 17 T44 R9W from Municipal / Institutional to Residential (Dark Blue to Yellow on map). Motion passed.


Motion by Ron Pearson and seconded by Lee Wiesner to change Sec. 18 T45 R9W from Municipal / Institutional to Other Forests (Dark Blue to Dark Green on map). Motion passed.


Motion by Lee Wiesner and seconded by Ron Pearson to change Sec. 16 T44 R9W east of Devils Lake and have the two (2) parcels to the north as Residential from Municipal / Institutional (Dark Blue to Yellow on map) and to have the southern area dissected by Mulligan Creek from Municipal / Institutional to Other Forests (Dark Blue to Dark Green on map). Motion passed.


Motion by Lee Wiesner and seconded by Ron Pearson to change the land adjacent to the Middle Eau Claire Lake boat landing Sec. 21 T44 R9W from Municipal / Institutional to Parks / Recreation (Dark Blue to Light Blue on map) and to change Sec. 21 T44 R9W adjacent to State Highway 27 from Municipal / Institutional to Other Forests (Dark Blue to Dark Green on map). Motion passed.


Motion By Ron Pearson and seconded by Dave Pease to change Sec. 7 T44 R9W on West Idlewild Lake Road from Municipal / Institutional to Other Forests (Dark Blue to Dark Green on map). Motion passed.


Motion by Ron Pearson and seconded by Leslie Hall to direct Cedar Corporation to do the changes, where appropriate,  to the Commercial area on County Highway N to show correct colors for the Town Hall, the Church and the Town Park. Motion passed.


Motion by Lee Wiesner and seconded by Leslie Hall to keep the County Forest Lands as they are. Motion passed.


Motion by Ron Pearson and seconded by Lee Wiesner to keep the Industrial Lands as they are. Motion passed.


Motion by Marcia Wellnitz and seconded by Leslie Hall to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. The meeting

was adjourned at 8:45PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Dixie Chermack

Secretary-Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee

Dated October 11, 2005