Driveway Ordinance Resolution


The town board of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted on proper notice with a quorum and by a roll call vote of a majority of the town board present and voting resolves and orders as follows:

Chapter three (17), section 3(c) of the Town of Barnes ordinances shall be amended to read:

Minimum Driveway/Private Road Recommendations:  The following suggested minimum specifications apply to all new driveway/private roads that extend past the Town right-of-way.  These specifications will help provide access to improved or unimproved lots for emergency vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulance service.


Minimum drivable surface: 12 feet for driveways, single property

                                             16 feet for roads, multiple properties


Minimum total driveway/road cleared width: 24 feet.


Minimum height clearance: 14 feet.


Maximum grade: As determined by Town Board or designee.


Culverts: As determined by Town Board or designee.”                               


The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.

   Town of Barnes


_________________________________                  ________________________________

Dick Collyard -Town Chairman                                      Christine M. Webb-Town Supervisor


_________________________________                  _________________________________

Donna Porter -Town Supervisor                                     Jack Meinke-Town Supervisor



Mitch McGee -Town Supervisor


Adopted:  September  19, 2006


Published: __________________                                Posted: ___________________


Attest:________________________________________      Dated:_________________

            Elaine J. Brustad-Town Clerk-Treasurer