OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2005

(Corrected Version 10-20-2005)



Members present: Claudia Draganowski, Judi Scholz, Mike Bowes, Lu Peet, Helen Ruprecht, Quentin Ruprecht, Bob Oberstar, Linda Oberstar, Edie Berg, George martin, Nori Newago, Paul Skamser and Judy Neider.


The meeting was called to order by Judi Scholz. At 9:00AM.


Minutes were distributed and read by Judy Neider. Mike Bowes made a motion to accept the minutes. This was seconded by Helen Ruprecht and the motion passed.


Treasurer Mike Bowes presented the following financial information: presently there is $28,399.32 with an additional $2,776.00 from book sales and “bar jars”. The total for printing was $5,785.00 with a cost of $11.56 per book. Donations account for the majority of profit.


There was discussion on how to invest a portion of the proceeds. It was agreed that a bank CD would most likely be the most workable.




Discussion continued on where the future museum should be located. Presently two people have come forward with land, either for sale or as a gift. Eleanor Desrosiers has 5 acres that she may be willing to sell to BAHA for the museum and Fritz Barnes has raised the possibility of donating land for this project.


There was no motion made, but it was informally agreed that soon a committee will have to be established to pursue this important first step: locating and determining the site for the museum.


Nori noted that whatever land the museum is situated on will be tax free because of our status as a non-profit organization.




The By-Laws had been distributed so that each member had a copy as Claudia reviewed each item. The following articles generated discussion and some changes were made:

             Article III Membership:

                           Sections B, the dues category were accepted as they appear in the By-Laws.

                           A question was raised on when “annual meetings” should be held.


George Martin made a motion that September be the month for the Annual Meeting beginning in 2006. This year it will remain October. The motion was seconded by Bob Oberstar and the motion passed.


             Article IV Officers:

A.    Five (5) to nine (9) members will be elected to serve on Board of Directors and shall serve two-year terms (this was originally B under Article IV and it was only seven (7) members).

B.     The elective officers of the organization are president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer and shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. These elected officers will also serve on the Board of Directors. (This was unclear before and we agreed to change the number on the Board of Directors. Therefore, we will have four (4) officers and five (5) directors.



Article VII Meetings:

C.     Board of Directors Meetings

2. Six members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. (This was originally four (4) members.)


Article VIII Affiliations:

C.   BAHA shall send an annual payment…….(This was not amended at this time)



It was noted by Nori that we have the option of whether to belong to the Bayfield County Historical Society. Once we have our own 501 (c ) (3), it is no longer necessary to be part of BCHS, but we will maintain our status with the Wisconsin Historical Society.


Nori will also redo the By-Laws since she has the original copy. Then she will email them to Judy Neider so that copies can be made for the next meeting.


Nori will also redo the Membership form which is obsolete now since the Centennial is over. Also the addition of Business annual dues = $50.00 will be added to the categories.



A slate of candidates will be submitted by the nominating committee at the next meeting. It will appear as follows:


Judi Scholz-President

Dave Pease-Vice President

Lu Peet-Secretary

Linda Oberstar-Treasurer


Other Board of Directors candidates so far are:

Claudia Draganowski

Mike Bowes

Quentin Ruprecht

George Martin

Judy Neider


There was discussion about BAHA obtaining the 501 ( c) (3) tax designation so that we are legally non-profit.


* Mike Bowes made a motion that we hire Nori Newago to do the paperwork on the 501 ( c) (3) for a fee of $1,000.00. This was seconded by Helen Ruprecht and the motion passed.


* A motion was made by Helen that we use the same logo used for the Centennial and put BAHA on it. Judi Scholz seconded the motion and it passed.


Discussion concerning the future fund raisers, e.g., raffle. Presently there are eight (8) jars at local bars and some items left from the Centennial fund raiser. This will be discussed at future meetings.




Linda Oberstar reported that most books that were ordered in advance have been distributed. There are a few remaining which will be mailed today after the meeting.

Of the five hundred (500) books printed originally, a number of the copies were flawed. The printer has agreed to redo these books and for the original price of printing will print an additional two hundred (200) copies). There will be 140 new copies plus 40 of the flawed copies reprinted.)

These should be available by the middle of October and Linda will have a report on the status of sales, etc. at the October meeting.


Linda reported that there has been a significant expense for postage to get the book distributed. This generated some discussion.


There was discussion on payment to Dave Thorson for the Centennial book. Original items that he used in his research and ensuing publication have not been returned at this date. This is a concern because a number of items must be returned to their owners and other items need to be secured in BAHA files.


*Quentin made a motion that Dave Thorson receive ¼ of his payment for the book (as per contract) when he returns all materials that were donated for the book (originals and hard copy). The motion was seconded by Mike Bowes and the motion passed unanimously.


Books are being donated to local libraries: Hayward, Drummond, Cable, Gordon and Iron River. A cover letter accompanies each book which acknowledges BAHA as the donor.


Books will be available for sale ($25.00 each) at the Drummond Bank and the Town Hall.


The next meeting-the Annual Meeting-will be October 20, 2005 at 9:00AM at Downtown Barnes.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:20AM


Respectfully submitted,


Judy Neider-Secretary

September 16, 2005