OF NOVEMBER 17, 2005



Members present: Dave Pease, George Martin, Quentin Ruprecht, Helen Ruprecht, Judy Neider, Judi Scholz, Jan Waddell, Mike Bowes and Lu Peet.


President Judi Scholz called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM.


The Minutes of the Annual Meeting and the meeting of the regular October meeting that followed the Annual Meeting were read by Secretary Lu Peet.  There was discussion on the CD’s and who made the second on the motion and did it pass. Judi Scholz said it was Dave Pease who made the second and yes, it did pass.  Motion (Mike Bowes/ Jan Waddell) to approve the amended minutes. Motion carried.


Mike Bowes asked if Nori Nowego was going to be on BAHA. Judy Neider said that Nori was a member. There was discussion on Nori charging a fee if she comes to our meetings, if she actually is a member.


The Treasurer’s Report was handed out by Mike Bowes. Treasurer Linda Oberstar was not present. The balance on hand is $28,990.21. There was discussion on the Centennial report and the BAHA reports. Mike Bowes said that this would all be BAHA from now on as all money has been accounted for as far as the Centennial goes. Mike Bowes said that there was a discrepancy of $3.59 on the account [to our good], but that this will be examined to find out what it is. Motion (Quentin Ruprecht / George Martin) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Motion carried.


There was discussion on the jar bars. Lu Peet showed the labels she had made up for the jars. George Martin will take them out to the bars, etc.


There was discussion on signing the papers for the CD. Judi Scholz, will sign the papers as will Lu Peet and Linda Oberstar.


Nori Nowego was not here to present the updated By-Laws.


There was a report on the Centennial Book sales. Dave Thorson still has not returned the pictures and other materials that he has. He also has 40 books that he said he could sell. So far we have no money for these books. George Martin said that he had given the 40 books to Dave on the 22nd of October. There is concern about the files and pictures. There was discussion on the fact that Dave has not been paid yet. Judi Scholz will send an E-mail to Dave to see about getting the stuff back. Dave Pease said that Dave Thorson had been very busy completing the Eurasian Water Millefoile project to turn in to the state. George Martin said that Dave Thorson will get the money for the books to BAHA. Judi Scholz said that we want to pay Dave Thorson for his work. There was discussion on this issue. If Dave Thorson needs help, it will be given to him. Judi Scholz said that $1, 1160.50 has been sold so far in books, according to the treasurer’s report.   There was discussion on sending a personal thank you to Dave Thorson letting him know what a good job he has done on the book and that we appreciate all of his efforts. Lu Peet will send a thank you to him.


Nori Nowego was not here to report on the 501 c (3) paperwork.


There was a report on the Silver Beach Elk project. Quentin Ruprecht gave out a printed report on the progress to date. He said that any old information should be discarded so that only current information is given out.  Quentin is keeping in touch with Dr. Hudson on the progress of the project to show that we are very interested in the outcome of the Silver Beach Elk. Quentin will act as the clearing house for any information. Quentin showed the brochure that he will have printed up on the Elk. There was discussion on how to get the information out to the public. They will go out with the tax bills and put out around town. There was discussion on how many brochures to have printed up. We will use Advanced Printing of Hayward. Lu Peet will find out the cost for the varying amounts and will order the amount needed. This will be paid out of the account. Motion (George Martin / Dave Pease) to have this brochure printed up and paid from the BAHA account (2,500-3,500) and also to put it into the tax bills. Motion carried. We could also put a link to BAHA on the town’s web site. There was discussion on getting press releases for the Elk. Quentin Ruprecht should contact the various news agencies. These are The County Journal, The Ashland Daily Press, The Sawyer County Record, The Superior Telegram and The Duluth News Tribune. There was discussion about having Keith Crawley write up an article on the Elk as he is very good at this kind of thing. Quentin Ruprecht will contact Keith. There was also discussion on donations for the museum. Quentin suggested having an Elk cut-out and having varying amounts put on different parts of the elk. More will be discussed on this at a later date and on who will help with this project.


Lu Peet will update the membership and contact list and will print out copies for the members.


There was discussion on the site for the museum. Lu Peet said that in talks with the Town Chairman, Dick Collyard, that the town would like to see the museum on the town site on N. There are 10 acres at that site. The site committee will continue to look at the options.


There was discussion on the dues policy. Judy Neider said that dues would be renewed on of the 1st of January for Annual Memberships. The different membership categories were read off with the appropriate fees.  It was noted that this was approved at a previous meeting.  Motion (Jan Waddell / Judy Neider) to accept the dues as set and have the new notices sent out. Motion carried. Lu Peet will send out the updated notice to all members. The money should be sent to Treasurer Linda Oberstar.


Judy Neider said that she had gotten a call from Pat Tierney. The Tierney’s have a very interesting map of this area and other areas that could be given to BAHA.


Helen Ruprecht said that the HCE has disbanded and that the group would like to donate its historical information to BAHA. There was discussion on where this information should be kept until a museum is built. The material is now in the town hall in a locked cabinet. It should probably stay there if it is OK with the Town of Barnes.


Judi Scholz spoke on the Bony Lake Map that is being updated. She spoke on information on Bony Lombard. There was discussion on where he was buried [under the largest tree on Bony Lake?] and the circumstances of his death. She suggested that all members bring pieces of any other history to BAHA.


The next meeting will be held on December 15, 2005 at 9:00AM at Downtown Barnes. (Judy Neider will take minutes as Lu Peet will not be able to be present. Lu will get the information to Judy.)


Motion (Helen Ruprecht / Jan Waddell) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00AM.


Respectfully submitted,



Lu Peet

Secretary- Barnes Area Historical Association