OF DECEMBER 15, 2005


Members present: Dave Pease, George Martin, Quentin Ruprecht, Helen Ruprecht, Bob Oberstar and Linda Oberstar.


Vice President Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 9:a5AM.


The minutes of the November 17, 2005 meeting were read by Helen Ruprecht as Secretary Lu Peet was not in attendance. The $3.59 discrepancy was corrected by Linda Oberstar as interest on the account. Motion (Quentin Ruprecht/ Bob Oberstar) to approve the amended minutes. Motion carried.


There was discussion on pictures to be returned to owners from Dave Thorson. Linda said there were some people who wanted their original pictures back. She has spoken to Dave Thorson and offered her help, but received no response.


The Treasurer’s Report was handed out by Linda Oberstar. Checkbook balance: $28,990.21 and a CD of $10,000.00, $50.00 BAHA membership dues, and interest of $3.39. Linda made a correction of the $3.59 interest discrepancy so the total should be: $20,018.55. Motion (Quentin Ruprecht / George Martin) to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.


There was discussion on where and how much area was needed to build the museum. Bob Oberstar talked about site possibilities and thought we should write persons / companies that might have land available for the museum. Quentin Ruprecht read Lu Peet’s letter to the members stating that Town Chairman Dick Collyard, would like to meet with members of the BAHA for a fact finding session to see what each others thoughts were on building a museum.  Motion (Helen Ruprecht / Linda Oberstar) to write letters to interested landowners about a possible site. Motion carried. A second motion (Quentin Ruprecht / Linda Oberstar) to have the BAHA members meet with the Town Board and have Lu Peet arrange this meeting. Motion carried.


Discussion on how to handle old and new membership notices. This was tabled until the next meeting. Nori Newago was not present to report on updated By-Laws or the 501 ( c) (3) paperwork.


Quentin Ruprecht gave an update on the Elk bones. He said the bones and antlers were now down to the anthropologist Jean Hudson, at the UW-Milwaukee. There is no guarantee that the bones will come back to Barnes, but we are working on that out-come. He received offers from three people to donate money to have the bones carbon dated. He thought that this money (about $1,500.00) should be given to BAHA and then BAHA would send a check to Jean Hudson. This would show our commitment to have the bones brought back to the museum.


The next meeting will be held on January 19, 2006 at 9:00AM at Downtown Barnes.


Motion (Helen Ruprecht / George Martin) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50AM.


Respectfully submitted,


Dave Pease, Helen Ruprecht (in absence of Lu Peet and Judy Neider)